The tradition of the Kentucky derby hats

The Kentucky derby is an event that takes place every year in Louisville city at the Churchill downs. It is therefore a tradition to wear hats to the race for every lady. This specific event lasts the whole day and is preceded by an entire week full of events before that actual racing day. Every year, people get to choose the hat they want to wear during the event. There are plenty of hat varieties to choose from and women can wear just about anything depending on their budget and needs. They can wear cheap hats available in department stores or sexy and sleek designer hats found in different famous clothing lines or in the designer websites online.
Through out the year there is no other formal occasion where ladies get to showcase their hats like the Kentucky derby race. It normally looks like a hats fashion show. This is because the women come in all sorts of hats from normal, sexy, crazy, and fashionable and many more hats that are completely out of this world. The derby hats attract global attention and that is why there is some cultural history behind some of them. This event is a long standing one traditionally. Therefore, it is mandatory for everybody to get a perfect choice for the Kentucky derby hats every year. People normally get a different hat for the Kentucky oaks, and the derby itself not forgetting any other events in between the Kentucky derby celebrations. Within a week, you find that most women wear about 3 to 5 different hats for every occasion.
For starters, they can go for a simple sexy hat for a dinner party or a small event within the derby week, for the Kentucky oaks that happens the Friday before the actual Saturday, get the second favorite hat you have. Then, on the day of the derby, unleash the best hat for all time. Most ladies in Louisville and racing enthusiasts look forward to the derby day. They can spend a whole year looking for a good hat for a one day event. If it is possible for you to get someone design a hat for you for the derby, then that is the way to go. This way, you can get a hat that has everything you want incorporated to match your personality. Most celebrities who attend the derby have their hats designed so you can save up through out the year and do the same thing.

Kentucky Derby- Advance Betting in the Kentucky Derby

The Kentucky derby has the nfl football betting  Online Bingo Rooms  Play Bingo US  most informative advance bets that can ever be made in any kind of sport. This is because the Kentucky derby horses are under high scrutiny concerning any information that the public is given. There are guidelines to follow either way if you want to make the most use of the money you are wagering for. Do not believe in any hype to begin with. Most horses get a lot of press attention during their two year term in the Kentucky derby but during their third year, they totally disappoint you. For instance in early 2011, a horse known as Tapizar received so much press while during its third year it became fifth position. According to the press releases, the other inferior horse that it lost to was never even commonly known to people.
Another rule to remember is not to pay attention to any early speed figures in this career rather focus on the ease in which one can be able to pick up a win. During the 2010 Kentucky derby for instance, the winner picked his first stake win after three years in the career with a speed of 83 which is not close to the Triple Crown of course. Therefore many people tend to focus on the speed figure which brought him to victory rather than how he did it. Rankings of the pre-derby are very important. However, the most important thing is the realization that a new three year old horse is still not fully matured. A horse reaches its racing maturity when it becomes five years in the season. Another thing to note is that one bad race for a horse does not mean that its Triple Crown’s bid has to come to a halt. There are usually reasons why potential horses do not win races and it is up to handicapper to know what these reasons are.
Workouts are mostly over looked when it comes to the development of a three year old. As a horse develops from a two year to a three year old, you should increase the workout speed. It is a good sign of a horse that is developing. Sometimes trainers ease their training speed as the month of May approaches. This allows the horse to have fresh legs for the main Kentucky derby race. Those are some of the rules to follow when thinking of betting in advance for the Derby.

Guide to selecting a Kentucky derby colt

For most amateur betters, the Kentucky derby is all about socializing while sipping on mint julep. However, this does not mean that you cannot try to make some extra money on the side by betting on some of the horses. Here is a fine guide on selecting a horse that may do this for you.
The first thing you could consider is betting on the fastest horse. Although this is not a fool proof plan since any colt can win during a horse race, it does increase your chances of choosing the best steed. Do some research on past winners and compare the track record of various trainers as well. Also try and keep away from trainers that may have had a history of injecting their horses with illegal steroids. One of the best ways of picking a fast horse is by analyzing the odds placed against them. Odds of three to one are fairly reasonable.
You could also decide to pick a horse depending on its name. Although this may not be a scientific method of picking a winning horse, it is a fun way of doing some. Horses with the coolest names may just surprise you by being the winners of the Kentucky derby.
You could also decide to become sexist and pick a female horse. These steeds tend to be quite powerful and they also have stamina. Choose a female horse that has a proven track record and you could end up cashing in once the Kentucky derby is over. Take note however that only four female horses have ever won the Kentucky derby. This could be an advantage or a disadvantage. The obvious disadvantage is that this year could also not be a year for a filly to win. On the plus side though, seeing as it is a rare occurrence, it may just be a lucky year for one of the fillies taking part in the Kentucky derby.
Lastly, always research on the historical criteria of the horses that are taking part. Once in a while, there usually is a horse that stands out from the rest of the race horses. More often than not though, all the steeds that take part in the Kentucky derby seem to be evenly matched against each other. This is when you research will come in handy. You could base the criteria on a number of factors such as the number of Kentucky derby races it has taken part in, the average speed of the horse in the races it has taken part in and also the type of breeding of the horse.

Spectator tips for the Kentucky derby

The first thing that a spectator of the Kentucky derby needs to know is that the event is held at the Churchill Downs. The venue opens its gates at eight in the morning. If you would like to get parking inside Churchill downs during the Kentucky derby, you will have had to have made a reservation well in advance. This is because all the parking at Churchill downs is reserved on the day of the Kentucky derby. If you cannot find any parking inside the venue even prior to the Kentucky derby you could always search for parking at nearby race tracks. These however are not affiliated to Churchill Downs so they cannot be responsible for any damage that may happen to your property. It advisable to download a map of Churchill downs in advance if you are new to the area. You could also call Churchill Downs and speak to the management regarding parking options.
When you attend the Kentucky derby, you will be required to adhere to a specific dress code. This dress code will vary depending on the section that you will be spending your time in at Churchill downs. Generally speaking, you should dress in a reasonable manner but also paying close attention to the weather as it tends to be finicky. It would be best advised to not attend the Kentucky derby dressed in a suit and tie as you will feel quite uncomfortable. Ladies are also better off in sandals or low heels rather than wearing stilettos. The area that has no apparent dress code is the infield section. Spectators there can wear anything or nothing if they so choose! If you will be seated at the Jockey Club or at any of the finishing suites, you are best advised to dress in a business casual manner. This includes blazers, dresses, slacks, dress shoes and so on. In the Millionaires row, the dress code tends to be a bit more extravagant for the ladies. Colorful hats, classy sunglasses and flashy accessories are the order of the day. Gentlemen on the other hand still have the option of dressing in either business casual or smart casual. Lastly, if you shall be at the twin spires rooms, your dress code would be casual. This includes dress jeans, a nice pair of shoes, collared shirts and even slacks. As aforementioned, the infield area is a free for all as most people go there to party.